Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

5 Weeks Old!!!

Baby Kate rediscovered her fingers and fists... she has been busy experimenting with different finger combinations, hands, and her fists... definitely hasn't decided which combination she prefers and also still enjoys the pacifier...

She has really been using her legs to push off of my legs when we are nursing in bed and when she is held in an up right position... she continues to enjoy staring at the ceiling fan in my bedroom...

She fits perfectly in Carter's 0-3 footed sleepers and 3 month sleepers are just a bit too long...

Pat and I have both seen her smile, but not at anyone or anything in particular...

Baby Kate had her 1 month check up on her 5 week birthday, January 31st, 2012, and is doing great!!!  She weighed in at 9 pounds 6 ounces, length of 22 inches and head circumference of 14.75 inches...  She is 75% for length, 50th for weight, and 50th for head circumference... Dr. Diehl, her pediatrician, declared her tall and skinny... When I told Pat the news, he joked, "Just like him..."  We discussed her feeding schedule and decided to breast feed her for 30 minutes, then offer her a 3 ounce bottle of formula as a supplement if she seemed hungry... interestingly, she always drinks the entire bottle...

I tried using the Breast Flow bottles which are supposed to be most like breast feeding and feeding her more formula and offering her the bottle after each time nursing during the day... she was spitting up a lot more and I could hear her refluxing then swallowing... it was heartbreaking...so we are using the slow flow nipples and bottles from the hospital... on Sunday, I decided to start using a formula for extra gas and spit up...

On Monday, February 6, 2012, Baby Kate:
Nursed in bed @ 5:30 am
Nursed in bed @ 7:30 am
Nursed in bed @ 9:15 am
woke up @ 10:30
nursed on couch @ 10:55am-11:10am 11:20-11:25*
drank 4 oz bottle on 1/2 regular formula & 1/2 "gentle" formula from 11:25-11:55-
nursed in bed @ 1:40-3:25 pm- dosed off within 7 minutes of breast feeding and nursed off and on
4:30 pm 4 oz of 1/2 regular formula and 1/2 gentle formula
7:45 pm  4 oz of gentle formula
9:00 pm 4 oz of gentle formula- this is the first time she has seemed to still be hungry- usually this feeding is later at night- closer to 10:30

*When Mrs. Kathy is here, I skipped the nursing and bottle feed, then run errands with Baby Kate

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