Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

New Blog Address!!!!

Blogger will not allow me to add any more photos for free, so we are moving...
sorry for the inconvenience!!!

I'm hoping you will follow!!!


Baby Kate's 10th Month

October 27- November 27, 2012

Too Many Firsts...

First Halloween

October 27- November 27, 2012

Too Many Firsts...

First Halloween

First Thanksgiving

First Steps

First Top Teeth

Sunday, November 25, 2012

9 Months Have FLOWN By!!!

Baby Kate's 9th Month was a tough month for me emotionally and physically... I was so thrilled that our healthy miracle blessing was not only growing and thriving, but ahead of the curve!!!  I wasn't ready... Baby Kate's advanced development was very bittersweet for me... I was beyond thrilled on one hand, and so sad that my baby was becoming so independent and turning into a toddler right before my eyes...so many times, I gently told her that she was only 9 months old... she shouldn't be doing ____ just yet, while on the inside I was torn because I knew just how blessed I was to have a healthy baby and not ready for her to grow up... add to that a huge dose of hormones because during Baby Kate's 1st cold, she decided to stop nursing... I felt the same post partum hormonal nightmare all over again!!!

Baby Kate Does NOT Like To Wear Her Socks!!!
Big Sister and Princess Anna steps in to help keep Baby Kate's Feet warm...

 All is going well UNTIL Baby Kate wants Anna's Drink...

 Big Brother William Snuggles Baby Kate

Saturday, September 29, 2012 

 My High School's Fall Harvest Festival
(L-R) Baby Kate(9 Months), William (14), Jack (8), Anna (2), Mary C (7), Sarah (2), Lizzy (9); Patrick was at a soccer game

Baby Kate Is Almost Always ON THE MOVE...
at Jack's and Mary Christine's soccer game...
in our backyard...

even standing in the house!!!

Baby Kate Climbs Up Chairs...

Baby Kate Pulls Up On The Hearth...

Baby Kate Plays With Our TV...

Bath Time: I LOVE This Photo...


Thursday, October 18, 2012

8 Months Old AND The Youngest Of 8

Baby Kate's 1st Greentree Parade: September 15, 2012 

A family fall favorite is the the Greentree Parade which goes right in front of our home...the kids love this...this year, Lizzy got up early to put out the blanket and chairs to hold our spot in front of our home...the favorite part for the kids is gathering, then eating all of the candy that is passed out...I'm not so sure this is a favorite family event of Baby Kate's just yet as she only had Cheerios to eat...then fell asleep in my arms before the hour long parade ended...

Baby Kate's gross motor skills are developing so quickly...
She even pulls herself up on the Exersaucer as it tilts to the side...
She is constantly pulling herself up on the hearth to play with toys...
Baby Kate also holds her arms out to be picked up...
She proudly sits in a booster seat...
 She even crawls to the back door to watch her siblings play in the back yard...
Baby Kate has clearly outgrown the bassinet, but Mommy wanted her in it just one more time...
She loves to put toys in her mouth and is used to being in front of a camera...
Baby Kate also likes to climb through things, even when she has her 1st cold and isn't feeling her best...

The Weekly Chair Photo on September 17, 2012

Baby Kate...8 Months Old AND The Youngest Of 8...
these pictures are worth more than 1,000 words!!!
Saturday morning, September 22, during Lizzy's soccer game...

After the fun with Sarah, Mary Christine and Baby Kate's hat.. Baby Kate was ready to stretch and move around...

Now...Baby Kate's turn to play with Sarah's hat...

Baby Kate's Daddy and I continue to be amazed that at times, she is standing up while crawling...

Friday, September 14, 2012

8 Months Old!!!

Honestly, I'm in mourning... the loss of my baby...  
Baby Kate is no longer a baby in my eyes... 
She is HUGE and Loud and Demanding... 
I love her so, she just wants to go, go, go!!!  
Baby Kate still sleeps with us and 
nurses during the night and early morning, 
but other than those times, 
she really wants to be ON THE MOVE!!!!

The Weekly Chair Photo is almost impossible...

 So determined...

Into the kitchen...

On hands and knees...

 Over, under, and through...

So BIG...Baby Kate holds her arms up to be picked up...

Inside...Pulling herself up on her knees...

literally wearing the exact same outfit 
Sarah and Anna refused to wear just moments before...
a 18-24 month Carter's romper...

Sitting pretty in a rocking chair...

Investigating grass...

Eating her 1st Pizza Bone...
With tears in my eyes...
I wonder...
How did this happen?
I must have blinked!!!

Mommy is so, so proud of you, Baby Kate!!! 
SO GRATEFUL and THANKFUL that God blessed ME
after 15+ years of marriage to be your Mommy!!!