Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

17 Weeks: April 24-30, 2012

Baby Kate's Official 17 Week Chair Photo

What a BUSY week we had during Baby Kate's 17th week...

Queeny stopped by on Tuesday, April 24th and insisted Baby Kate do "tummy time"... it is well known that I do not make my babies do tummy time when it upsets them... my philosophy is that my baby will learn to hold their head up in due time... no need to make them cry practicing... truth be told... I can't stand to hear my babies cry... especially when they are infants... just ask the lactation consultant who checked in on Baby Kate and me when Baby Kate was 3 days old and I was sobbing, I mean literally sobbing... she asked what was wrong and I said that Baby Kate was crying... she explained that it was OK for her to cry a little bit... or you can ask Pat who has finally realized the answer to his question, "Is this baby EVER going to be allowed to cry???"  Even though I told him no, he would not rush to pick her up when she made the tiniest peep...
Poor Baby Kate... I bet she's thinking: Mommy doesn't make her do this...
Maybe if I am quiet, they will forget about tummy time...
I might as well lift my head... looks like Queeny (in the background reading the paper) isn't going to give up...
Back to the bouncy seat... SO much better... I think I'll take my sock off and get comfy...

On Wednesday, it was Walk Your Kids To School Day at Lizzy, Jack, and Mary C.'s elementary school, so we all walked to school... Baby Kate was in the Baby BJorn, Sarah and Anna in their stroller, everyone else walked... Pat decided it was too far for me to walk a mile to school and another mile back with Sarah, Anna, and Baby Kate so he picked us up... I was stunned and relieved, my back was hurting from the Baby BJorn...
Yep...That's a 12 passenger van... Mommy calls it the bus...
Pat came home from work to watch the twins while I took the others to the dentist...About 1:30 we picked William and Patrick up from middle school, then Lizzy, Jack and Mary C from the elementary school and headed to the dentist... The dentist, who has known Pat and his family since Pat was a kid, thought Baby Kate looked like her Daddy...

Next stop was a quick trip home... Pat drove William and Patrick to their soccer game where they played the other middle school...I drove the other kids in the bus...

On Friday, April 27th, Baby Kate turned FOUR MONTHS OLD!!!
Baby Kate and Daddy on the porch
A close up while on Daddy's lap
 Baby Kate sleeping
Baby Kate checking to see if I'm finished taking photos
On Saturday, Baby Kate and I went to an all day Parenting Conference... I can't tell you how many time people told me what a great baby she was... I enjoyed being able to hold and snuggle her all day!!!

Patrick missed his Baby Sister while we were away... She missed him as well...look at that grin!!!

Sunday was such a nice day, but a bit chilly compared to the heat we had been having, so it was a perfect day to work in the garden... In case you haven't noticed...Baby Kate is not a fan of socks...

Saturday night, we had the first tornado warning of the year, so we went to the cellar... I smelled natural gas which led to the Gas Company coming out and fixing one leak and finding another... Monday morning we still had the gas turned off to the kitchen and downstairs bath...SO Baby Kate took a bath in my bathroom sink... just like when she was a newborn... BUT now, she barely fits!!!

I just love these close ups...

Baby Kate's chair photo at the end of the week...because I couldn't remember if I took one at the beginning of the week...

Friday, April 27, 2012

4 Months Old: April 27, 2012

Happy Baby Kate

Sleeping Baby Kate

Momma and Baby Kate

Sunday, April 22, 2012

One Year Ago Today...

Was Good Friday, 2011... the day I found out I was pregnant with Baby Kate!!!

16 Weeks

Precious Princess had her 4 month well child check up early on Thursday, April 19, 2012... her double ear infection had cleared up... she weighed 13 pounds 9 ounces (58%), measured 254.5 inches long (69%), and her head circumference was 16 inches (48%)... I need to have her do tummy time for 30 minutes a day... since she had a sick visit on Monday, I requested we start her 4 month shots on her 4 month birthday (April 27, 2012) so we will go back then...

Baby Kate has been reaching for her toys for the 1st time!!!  She has also been reaching out to try and touch objects and looks like she is gesturing at times... she is reaching for her toys when sitting in her bouncy seat... she is also reaching out for objects in front of her when she is being held...

She completely tries to engage others by talking and smiling when someone comes into her view... All of the kids love to interact with her and try to get her to smile and talk...

Baby Kate has been pulling on the feet in her outfits... I keep trying to get a photo of her doing it, but no luck... she also grabbed onto my shirt last night when I was changing her diaper...

Baby Kate is losing her hair!!!  clearly a large patch is missing from the right side of head- which is interesting because she almost always sleeps with her head facing left... she is developing quite a receding hair line in front!!!

Last night/this morning at 4 am, she woke up smiley as ever... kicked her legs for a couple of minutes, passed gas, nursed and fell back asleep, snuggled in the fold of my arms... I wish moments like this would never end!!!

I would think after 16 weeks, Pat and I would no longer discuss in amazement the blessing of having Baby Kate in our lives, but we still are just as stunned she is our genetic offspring as we were the day we discovered we were pregnant!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

15 Weeks

April 10-16, 2012

The weather chanced this week... it had been unseasonably warm and sunny and this week brought back cold temperatures and gloomy weather...

Baby Kate came down with her 1st cold on Thursday, by Sunday afternoon, she had a horrible sounding cough... Sunday night I called the after hour nurses... Monday at 11 am we were at the pediatrician's office for her 1st sick appointment... My poor baby had a double ear infection and is on antibiotics...

Baby Kate is starting to use her hands to feel her blankets...

She also is trying to figure out facial expressions... twice I went up to her while she was in her swing and started talking to her... she would smile, then make this really sad face, looking like she was about to cry, then smile again, then quiver her lips... by that point, she was in my arms... I couldn't take the sad, quivered lip look...

Baby Kate continues to drink between 4-5 six ounce bottles of formula and nurse on demand at night- usually several times between 5 and 7 am.


Sunday, April 8TH

Photos to come...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

14 Weeks

Time continues to fly by!!!

I continue to take lots of photos of Baby Kate... as you can tell from the photos this week, the weather became cooler, so she got to wear warmer clothes and her hat...
Baby Kate has almost outgrown her wicker bassinet.
Baby Kate in the morning as she snuggles in her outfit and blanket from Aunt Nora.

Baby Kate hanging out in her bouncy seat.  She can lean up, arch her back, and bounce it herself.

There are many blessings that come with 
being born into a large family...

Someone always wants to feed Baby Kate her bottle...
Baby Kate and Jack
 There's always someone who wants to make Baby Kate smile...
Baby Kate and William
 There is always someone to remove Baby Kate's sock and try a shoe on her foot...
Sarah and Baby Kate
There is always a finger for Baby Kate to hold...
Baby Kate and William
We feel so blessed to have Baby Kate as our 8th child!!!

This photo best sums up Baby Kate's personality!!!
Baby Kate is hanging out in the kitchen while Mommy prepares dinner.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Heaven on EARTH!!!

Last Good Friday, we learned that we were blessed with Baby Kate...

This Good Friday, we are continuing to thank God for this blessing!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

13 Week Highlights

Friday, March 30... Mommy's Yearly Physical with her Internist... Mommy doesn't realize she color coordinated our outfits until we arrive at the doctor's office... everyone comments... too funny!!!  Mommy thanks the doctor for NOT putting her on cholesterol lowering medication sice Mommy was still in her childbearing years when Mommy requested it 7 months before Baby Kate was conceived... Mommy ALMOST called the doctor to complain and point out that after 14 years of marriage, the odds of conceiving were SLIM AND NONE, but didn't... Literally thank God because it can cause birth defects!!!

Saturday, March 31... My 1st Girl Scout Meeting to Celebrate 100 Years of Girl Scouts with Mommy, Lizzy, and Mary Christine

Sunday, April 1... My 1st Soccer Game... We went to watch Patrick play soccer and had a pizza picnic before the game...

Monday, April 2... KCD... Kate's Conception Day!!!!!  Mommy and I celebrated God's blessing of Baby Kate's life with lunch at Chipotle's, lots of snuggles, prayers, and time alone!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

One Year Ago TODAY...

Baby Kate was conceived!!!  

Baby Kate was 15+ years in the making and we couldn't be happier!!!

Our family has been abundantly blessed by God!!!

Baby Kate, you are loved and adored by your Daddy, Mommy, and 7 Siblings!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

13 Weeks OR 3 Months OLD!!!

Baby Kate turned exactly 13 weeks AND 3 Months OLD on Tuesday, March 27... pretty neat!!!

We have all felt like she is getting super big, so I measured her... 24 1/4 inches long!!!  I think she will out grow her infant car seat before turning one!!!  I know she outgrowing clothes before she gets to wear them... she is fitting into 6 month Carter's sleepers and wearing 3-6 month outfits...

Baby Kate is putting her fingers in her mouth a lot more these days... She also discovered her tongue this week... she liked to stick it out then pull it in... I think I saw her curl it once... she got that from her Daddy as I can't curl my tongue... it seems like her tongue is really long, too...

Since so many people who know Pat and his family have commented on her eyes looking like Pat's and his sister Claire's, I am beginning to accept that perhaps she looks like her Aunt Claire... I have to admit, I did really like being told she looked like me... of course my Mom now thinks she looks just like her... which I have thought all along she looks like my Mom's baby photos... She definitely has strawberry brown hair in the sunlight...  none of this really matters... we are COMPLETELY and TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH HER no matter whom she looks like!!!!

Baby Kate continues to "talk" more and more each day... she is laying on my bed right now saying "ahhh, ahhh, ahhh"...

All of her sibling love her and help take care of her... they talk with her, want to touch her, and especially want to make her smile...

Her Daddy and I continue to be amazed that she is our daughter... As Pat said this week, "we made her... well we know God made her... you know what I mean..."  I never would have dreamed that after 15+ years of marriage, we would have our Genetic Miracle... Baby Kate or Katie Kate as I call her... and Katie Mac as her Daddy calls her...

We love you, Kathryn Lucile!!!  You were 15+ years in the making and are truly a dream come true!!!  Well worth the wait!!!