Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

13 Weeks OR 3 Months OLD!!!

Baby Kate turned exactly 13 weeks AND 3 Months OLD on Tuesday, March 27... pretty neat!!!

We have all felt like she is getting super big, so I measured her... 24 1/4 inches long!!!  I think she will out grow her infant car seat before turning one!!!  I know she outgrowing clothes before she gets to wear them... she is fitting into 6 month Carter's sleepers and wearing 3-6 month outfits...

Baby Kate is putting her fingers in her mouth a lot more these days... She also discovered her tongue this week... she liked to stick it out then pull it in... I think I saw her curl it once... she got that from her Daddy as I can't curl my tongue... it seems like her tongue is really long, too...

Since so many people who know Pat and his family have commented on her eyes looking like Pat's and his sister Claire's, I am beginning to accept that perhaps she looks like her Aunt Claire... I have to admit, I did really like being told she looked like me... of course my Mom now thinks she looks just like her... which I have thought all along she looks like my Mom's baby photos... She definitely has strawberry brown hair in the sunlight...  none of this really matters... we are COMPLETELY and TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH HER no matter whom she looks like!!!!

Baby Kate continues to "talk" more and more each day... she is laying on my bed right now saying "ahhh, ahhh, ahhh"...

All of her sibling love her and help take care of her... they talk with her, want to touch her, and especially want to make her smile...

Her Daddy and I continue to be amazed that she is our daughter... As Pat said this week, "we made her... well we know God made her... you know what I mean..."  I never would have dreamed that after 15+ years of marriage, we would have our Genetic Miracle... Baby Kate or Katie Kate as I call her... and Katie Mac as her Daddy calls her...

We love you, Kathryn Lucile!!!  You were 15+ years in the making and are truly a dream come true!!!  Well worth the wait!!!

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