Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Precious Princess...

This photo was taken on Friday, August 26, when I was 22.5 weeks pregnant... This is our "How Did This Happen????  We can't believe we made a baby!!!" photo.

22.5 Weeks Pregnant with Precious Princess

I got to spend about 45 minutes watching our Precious Princess in action on Monday... she is a tiny one... measuring @ 22 weeks 2 days when I am guessing she is 23 weeks along... the doctor isn't worried and Daddy says that we aren't big people... Daddy is 5'10 and I'm 5'2 with shoes...She looks great and moves a lot!!!  Her heart rate was in the 140's... she was head down, just above my cervix...

Somehow my due date is listed as December 28 now... when it was the 27th... this means the doctor will not deliver her by C Section unless medically necessary until the 21st or later... even though at our last appointment, he said the 20th was fine... Ideally, I want her inside of me for as long as possible, but with Christmas and our $4000 deductible for health insurance starts over on January 1st, I'd like to be home from the hospital before Christmas Eve or January 1st... deciding when she will be born is seeming a bit creepy and unnatural to me...

Honestly, I think she will break her water before Christmas... Sarah did at 35 weeks, 6 days, 22.5 hours... this baby girl is so busy moving that I think she will do the same...

Just yesterday afternoon, I watched my belly move several times as she kicked... I just love feeling her move...

Also, I have had a few bouts with indigestion in the evening, not terrible, but noticeable...

I just love my big belly and am very proud of it...


  1. Love the pictures~ you look great! Glad baby girl is doing well.

  2. So wonderful! I love the pictures, your joy & happiness is so evident. Baby girl is so very lucky. :)
