Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Thursday, December 20, 2012: We think...

Baby Kate is GREAT!!!

Pat and I were discussing how we think Baby Kate's desire and focus on climbing has slowed he walking progress...Baby Kate is mostly taking 3-5 steps at a time before "sitting down" but last night, she was really on the move taking many more than 12 steps in a semi circle to walk around a toy before sitting down...

Pat did share that he "saw with his own eyes", Baby Kate climb on top of one of the chairs in the family room last night...today, I took this photo of an unsuccessful attempt...

We feed her finger  food up to 3 times a day and are giving her whole milk in a sippy cup at meal times...

Baby Kate usually takes a mid to late morning nap and at a minimum a late afternoon nap...if she takes a mid morning nap, she make take two afternoon naps...it just depends on her mood...I usually feed her a bottle of formula or put her in "the swing of sleep" to help her fall asleep...a few times I have laid her down and she went to sleep, but usually she cries and breaks my heart...she makes this really sad, sad face and I can't take it...

Baby Kate is still waking up at least one time a night for a 6 ounce bottle of formula, after being fed an 8 ounce bottle in my arms as she falls asleep before going to bed...I wish she was still interested in nursing, but has turned her face away for a couple of months now...

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