Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Double Digits... 10 Weeks

I can't believe how quickly time is flying by!!!

Baby Kate is such an amazingly easy baby... as long as her tummy is full... 5 ounces of formula does the trick... and she is held or occasionally in her swing or bouncy seat she is happy, happy, happy!!!  And so is her Momma!!!

I still can't listen to her cry... I pick her up as soon as she makes a peep...

She also will lay in our bed (Baby Kate and I still sleep together and I LOVE IT!!!) or in her bassinet and check out her hands, stretch or just look around... sometimes she falls back asleep, other times she decides enough alone time and makes a peep... and back into my arms she goes...

We still take our afternoon naps most days... they usually start with her nursing and she is asleep in no time...

Around 10:00 - 10:30 pm, I usually feed her a bottle, then she stretches and falls asleep next to me... she has stopped breastfeeding to fall asleep most nights... usually she sleeps until @ 6 am, when she is breast fed, but this weeks she seems to have woken up @ 3 for a breastfeed snack several nights...

Our conversations have become longer and more frequent... she also smiles a lot and tries to get her siblings to interact with her by smiling and looking at them intently... it really seems like she has a lot she wants to share with us...

After sharing the following photo of my Mom and me this weekend, my Mom finally admitted that Baby Kate looks more like me than my brother Peter... although she still says Baby Kate looked like Peter after she was born... but now looks like me...
Queeny and me when I'm almost 2 months old...

Queeny and me when I'm exactly 4 months old...

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