Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

12 Weeks Old!!!

In 54 minutes, Baby Kate will be 13 weeks or 3 Months old... time continues to FLY by... As sad as I am that Baby Kate is getting older, I am equally happy to watch her cheery personality and skills develop... she smiles and coos and "gees" all the time... she is content to check out her hands... she watches the computer monitor as I feed her a bottle and watch a video... she loves watching her siblings play around her... she also smiles at her Daddy and siblings while trying to catch their attention... I could listen to her "chat" all day long... frequently she becomes very animated with her facial expressions and arches back a bit... it seems like she is trying so hard to speak... sometimes coos come out other times nothing...

This week, Baby Kate's five older siblings were home for Spring Break... add in the twins and we had one busy week... no afternoon naps for Baby Kate and me this week... instead lots of interactions with her seven older siblings... Baby Kate and I did sneak out on Thursday for an hour to run errands, then on Sunday, she crashed Mommy and William's date night to Chevy's Mexican Restaurant- during which she insisted on being held once the food arrived...

I'm still trying to find a bottle that works as well as the disposable bottles from the hospital with the slow flow nipples...  We're on our 3rd type of bottle... I don't think I mentioned #2, which was the Parent's Choice Bottles from Walmart... the slow flow nipple was WAY too slow... I thought the Avent Bottle #2 nipple which is slow flow was too fast and causing extra gas and spit up, so I bought the #1 nipple... seems to be better, but Baby Kate still has a lot of spit up... less than with the BreastFlo bottles and Avent #2 nipples, but more than with the hospital bottles...

Today, she took one long nap- maybe three hours in the afternoon... perhaps a cat nap in the morning and a short nap in the car going to and from swimming lessons for the middles... she is still awake at 11:15 pm... for the most part, she is content in her bouncy seat or swing...

Based on Baby Kate's sighs, I think she is FINALLY asleep... I'm going to move her from the swing to our bed and get some sleep myself!!!

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