Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

39 Weeks and 2 Days...

Wow!!!  It is 37 minutes away from Christmas Eve... I'm stunned and thrilled Baby Kate has yet to arrive...  I have been able to get so much accomplished... still more to do, but everything can wait... I just finished wrapping all of the presents... I honestly cannot remember a Christmas Eve that I wasn't up way to late wrapping... this year I'm finished the night before!!!  Just in case Baby Kate does make her move in less than 36 hours, we decided the kids would open their present from Santa on Christmas morning and save the ones from Pat and I until Baby Kate and I came home...

Early last Friday morning around 3 am, Pat started throwing up from the stomach flu... Sunday morning, Sarah woke up with it... Monday night around 6, Anna threw up all over the two of us, then threw up three more times... William woke up around 10:30 pm and threw up... Followed by Mary Christine around midnight... Tuesday came and went with Anna not feeling well and having a runny nose as did Lizzy... Wednesday night, as I was wrapping presents at 10:30, a wave of nausea came over and I knew I was in BIG trouble!!!  I figured I might as well keep wrapping as laying in bed thinking of what was to come wasn't going to help... Around midnight hell on earth began... since Pat and the kids had it, I knew what was to come... I had three rounds of throwing up to the point of dry heaves, diarrhea, and since my stomach is huge and bladder couldn't stand the pressure... I thought my water broke... by the fourth time, I literally cried out asking the Lord to not make me throw up again... and it worked!!!!

At 9 am I knew I was completely dehydrated... Baby Kate was moving, but not as strongly as she usually did... I called the perinatologist's office and the nurse told me to go into the Woman's Evaluation Unit... We arrived about 10:30 am...

At 5:56 pm, I posted on Facebook:
‎6 hours of monitoring Baby Kate's heart rate and my contractions, 4 attempts at getting an IV started, 3 bags of IV fluids, numerous white sodas and 1 ultrasound to check Baby Kate's fluid which was 15 centimeters- 3 times what is normal... we were sent home...Baby Kate is doing great and just floating in all of her fluid... I'm thrilled to be home, but exhausted after last night!!!
Funny, I don't remember posting the following in the middle of Friday morning... I must have had a bathroom break...
3:55 am- so glad to be home!!! I feel GREAT!!! Slight headache from the anti nausea medication, but I'll take it over the night before!!! I can hardly believe how miserable I was...

Patrick went to bed early, complaining of an upset tummy, but no vomiting... so just Patrick and Jack are left- everyone else has had the flu... Lizzy complained of stomach pain, but has a nasty cold instead... Anna ended up with the flu, cold, and fever... possibly an ear ache, so I'll see how she feels when she wakes up and will take her to the doctor for an ear check if it seems to be bothering her...
I guess that explains one of the reasons I so tired!!!  
Well it's almost Christmas Eve and I better get some sleep... Baby Kate will be here 106 hours or less... wow... that is amazing... Pat and I are still stunned... reality has not set in although we are prepared... I guess that is what happens when you it takes almost 15 years for your original dream to come to fruition... 

1 comment:

  1. 106 hours or less? Well, less now actually. I am so thrilled you made it so far. I HOPE you make it through Christmas with your little ones and then Baby Kate makes her grand appearance. I cannot wait to hear about the delivery and to see her sweet face!

    Merry Christmas! And I'm so glad you're feeling better!!! :)
