Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

16 Weeks

Precious Princess had her 4 month well child check up early on Thursday, April 19, 2012... her double ear infection had cleared up... she weighed 13 pounds 9 ounces (58%), measured 254.5 inches long (69%), and her head circumference was 16 inches (48%)... I need to have her do tummy time for 30 minutes a day... since she had a sick visit on Monday, I requested we start her 4 month shots on her 4 month birthday (April 27, 2012) so we will go back then...

Baby Kate has been reaching for her toys for the 1st time!!!  She has also been reaching out to try and touch objects and looks like she is gesturing at times... she is reaching for her toys when sitting in her bouncy seat... she is also reaching out for objects in front of her when she is being held...

She completely tries to engage others by talking and smiling when someone comes into her view... All of the kids love to interact with her and try to get her to smile and talk...

Baby Kate has been pulling on the feet in her outfits... I keep trying to get a photo of her doing it, but no luck... she also grabbed onto my shirt last night when I was changing her diaper...

Baby Kate is losing her hair!!!  clearly a large patch is missing from the right side of head- which is interesting because she almost always sleeps with her head facing left... she is developing quite a receding hair line in front!!!

Last night/this morning at 4 am, she woke up smiley as ever... kicked her legs for a couple of minutes, passed gas, nursed and fell back asleep, snuggled in the fold of my arms... I wish moments like this would never end!!!

I would think after 16 weeks, Pat and I would no longer discuss in amazement the blessing of having Baby Kate in our lives, but we still are just as stunned she is our genetic offspring as we were the day we discovered we were pregnant!!!

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