Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

7 Weeks of Heaven on Earth!!!


I love everything about Baby Kate!!!  I even think her gasiness is adorable as it sounds like machine gun fire...her poop doesn't stink... and her spiting up hurts me more than her...

I think I finally have her feeding needs figured out as she seems content and is actually sleeping for several two hour stretches during the day... at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon... before she would take 15-30 minute catnaps... she is drinking @ four 5 ounce bottles a day... the anti gas formula was causing her poop to stick to her, so I switched her to 1 scoop regular and 1 scoop anti gas and 1 .5 scoop of one or the other to make her 5 ounce bottle...  I tried the Breastflow bottles again and a lot of formula spills out of the side of Baby Kate's mouth since the outer nipple collapses- breaking the seal- as she sucks...

For the past two nights, she has been congested... I even had her sleep in her bouncy seat on my bed so that we were still next to one another...

This morning, I had to use the bulb syringe to suction out her nose... I just hated doing it, but she was so congested!!!

Baby Kate has also started "talking"... she makes the cutest cooing sounds ever... she is observing more and more... looking around at everything...

I have finally felt comfortable enough to put her in the bouncy seat on the floor of a room that Sarah and Anna are in while I am close by...

Knowing that Baby Kate was under my constant supervision and showing no signs of distress, I was surprised to see her expression when I downloaded this photo... it has given Pat and I lots of chuckles!!!  I hope you enjoy it!!!
This is the way I saw the interaction between Baby Kate and Sarah...

I also left her alone with Queeny and the twins while I went in for my post partum check up and the Valentine's Day Parties at the elementary school... the first time I have left her home with the twins and one adult other than the time I left her with her Daddy and 6 of her siblings (the twins were napping, so they didn't count) and Lizzy went with me... usually I take Baby Kate with me at all times... this week, the two of us went to the elementary school for a conference, the middle school conferences for Patrick and William and to the grocery store... she rides along in the Baby BJorn, facing my chest... I just love it, but it is really starting to hurt my back so I am planning on making the sling this weekend...  I just love "wearing" Baby Kate!!!


  1. AWWW! Can we see some pics? :) HUGS!

  2. She is so precious! thanks for sharing the cute pics! So adorable! Hugs to you!
