Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Kid's Predictions...

William: "I think it is a boy and want it to be a boy because I would like to have a switch up because I am used to being around little girls.  I would like to teach him soccer and we haven't had a real baby, baby boy before..."

Patrick: "I think it is a boy because we have too much girls... I want the boys and girls to be equal... boys are better- you can teach them sports and stuff like that... girls just cry and poop."

Lizzy: "I think it's a girl because we I have 5 girls (including me) and want 6... we are excited because I want to have a baby sister... I will hold her in my arms..."

Jack: "I hope it's going to be a baby girl because I want three babies in a row that are girls.  We also have leftover shoes from Sarah and Anna.  I can't I wait to see the baby and for it to get out of Mom's tummy  When it comes out of Mom's tummy, I'm going to hold the baby."

Mary Christine: "I think it's a girl because you like girls better than boys because our boys are trouble makers..."  I asked her if she was a trouble maker and she said no... I asked if she goes to bed at bedtime... she replied no, then said she is a trouble maker, too... but not Lizzy or the babies... to funny and cute!!!


  1. I totally agree with Patrick! Puts the whole boy-girl thing into perspective, huh? And Jack is so practical!! I love all the kids predictions! :-)

  2. Oh oh I found this! :) I had been going back and forth to the old one waiting and waiting for an update! Finally, some reading for when I'm stuck at the computer pumping! :)

  3. Oh my goodness... Patrick is too funny!

  4. I saw the link to your blog on your FB page - Congratulations! So, who was right, or is baby keeping it hidden for a while longer?
