Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

8 Weeks!!!

What a blessing...

In honor of this milestone, I am inviting a few close friends to view this blog for the first time... just 4 friends Jenya, don't worry!!!

I need to go back and add additional details to the earlier posts, but no time for that now-lol...

I actually feel less nauseated today- after a weekend of yuck... can't wait for the next ultrasound a week from Thursday- yes, I'm so paranoid something is going to happen, but I have passed the almost 7 week mark where our precious baby from 2003 went to heaven...

Last Tuesday, I went for my 1st Perinatologist appointment... It was wonderful... I hand picked my favorite doctor from the Perinatal Center went I visited with Sarah and Anna... My doctor is Dr. Bartlesmeyer and goes by Dr. B.

The highlight was an abdominal ultrasound where he showed me our baby and said it had a fast heartbeat of @ 140- which was perfect... He also said I could come in any time I am nervous... I'd really like to go tomorrow, but will wait until my appointment a week from Thursday...

I'm still napping for an hour or two each afternoon and having trouble eating- the smells are out of this world terrible!!!

My clean clothes do not smell fresh enough, so I bought some Downy Dryer Sheets- only to discover on the way home, that smell makes me nauseated as well... I guess I'll try Bounce Sheets next- I used to like the smell of those...

Patrick asked me point blank last Saturday, the 7th, if I was pregnant again... I tried to joke with him and not answer, but no luck... He said it was my "SeaBands" for nausea that gave it away... Patrick's next question was... "Where did you go?" as in California for Sarah and Anna... I replied, "no where.." He looked at me inquisitively and said, "So...it just happened???"  I smiled and replied, "It just happened..." Patrick replies "oh... OOOOHHHHHH!!!!"  I couldn't help but chuckle as I watched him process what he learned in Health Class had happened between his parents...poor kid... Next question from Patrick, "Does Dad know?"  As I was chuckling to myself, Patrick muttered to himself, "Of course Dad knows..."  Patrick wanted to tell William, who was at a soccer game, but agreed to let me tell him first... I explained that we wanted to wait until we were pretty sure this baby was going to survive before telling the little kids... I think I will see how things go at the appointment on the 26th, if Dr. B thinks all looks good, then maybe tell them that weekend- school will be out, so I won't have to deal with all of the parents in the kids classes if they have questions...

I also want to give Pat credit for reading up on morning sickness... twice now he has mentioned that severe morning sickness can be a sign of a girl... to which he added, "FIVE GIRLS!?!?"  Tonight he mentioned hosting another wedding...He also asked if I was this sick last time- I reminded him I was actually worse, but don't think he was paying much attention at the time...

It is almost 10 pm and I'm exhausted!!!

1 comment:

  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OKAY so I just read (skimmed) the first entry and now I HAVE to go back and read everything!!!! Holy COW and SO EXCITED!!!! <3
