Our Miracle Blessing: Baby Kate

After adopting seven wonderful blessings, we were thrilled to find ourselves 15 weeks pregnant on our 15th Wedding Anniversary with "Our Miracle Blessing"!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Baby Kate... How I love thee...

Baby Kate wakes up smiling and very quietly plays with her hands and feet until I awake next to her... this morning, Pat apologized for waking me as he leaned over to play with Baby Kate... he said he couldn't resist... I knew exactly what he was talking about... her smile that lures you in... her bright blue eyes staring longingly at you to interact with her... Baby Kate is the happiest baby I have ever met... she is so content with watching what is going on around her... she only mildly complains when she is hungry... she happily smiles and entertains herself with objects she can reach...

Baby Kate appears to be huge... Last night, Pat joked that she is going to be taller than me when she is four years old... I have plumped her up as I like chubby babies... Mrs. Kathy says Baby Kate grows each weekend... Pat claims she gets bigger each day while he is at work...

Skill wise, I think that by constantly holding Kate, she may be a bit behind due to her lack of opportunities for her to experience life out of my arms... Mrs. Kathy calls it, keeping her "Babyfied"... just this week, I put Baby Kate in her bumbo- not because she didn't have one, just because she was content in her cradle swing and bouncy seat when out of my arms... only because of my mom's and sister in law Katie's harassment, did I finally let her stretch out on a blanket... I've enjoyed holding her and didn't want to put her down... Baby Kate doesn't know how to hold her bottle because I insist she is held and so is her bottle during feedings... soon enough, she will have to do so much for herself... but not yet...

Just today, I saw her reaching up and touching the butterflies hanging down on her swing... we had to remove the netting weeks ago because she was grabbing it and pulling it into her mouth...

Baby Kate still gets caught on her shoulder when she is trying to roll over... I know soon enough, she will be rolling over and over again...

Clearly, I'm not in a hurry for Baby Kate to grow up...
She is well worth the 15+ year wait!!!